
Research essay on computer science

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What are currently the hot topics in computer science ... Some hot topics in computer science research are: 1. Data mining- Data mining is the way toward removing conceivably valuable data from informational collections. It utilizes a suite of strategies to arrange, analyze and consolidate vast informati... Latest Topics in Computer Science for Project and Thesis Today our life is incomplete without this technology. Cell phones, laptops and all that have become an integral part of our life. Computer Science is the seed to this technical development. There are a number of good topics in computer science for project, thesis, and research for M.Tech and Ph.D. students. Essay: Why am I Majoring in Computer Science | Indonesia ... Through Computer Science, I want to invent. I aspire to continue my education in Computer Science until PhD level and delve in research throughout my undergraduate study. I am interested in Artificial Intelligence, especially with the idea of making a robot that can play sports. Badminton, for example.

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If you are interested in pursuing a career in computer science, it's important to stay up to date with the latest trends in computer science research, to make an informed choice about where to head next. Check out these five trends storming the tech industry! 1. Artificial intelligence and robotics

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